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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Light brightness
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Date: Fri, 25 Aug 95 00:11:11 PDT
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John gross responds
>> I was at work today (and it was late in the night) and I was
>> watching cars drive by, and something suddelly hit me... Something you've
>> all seen is the fact that the lights are very bright when pointed at you,
>> and then diminish in intensity as they point away....
>> To my knowledge, lightwave doesn't do this (but i could be
>> wrong). Is there an EASY way to accomplish this? Or would I have to play
>> around with the envelope to get the intensity of the flare to get it to
>> get brighter when pointing at the camera and diminish as it turns away?
>> I'm only referring to sopt lights of course...
>This is something that is planned, but you can pretty much get the same
>effect when using Fade With Distance for Lens Flares. (Assuming the light
>moves away from you when it goes away.
Just for discussion, would glue-ing 2 spot lights together, one